Services - Loose Leash Walking

The harmony of loose leash walking in this image is a big desire for any dog owner. Our expert trainers teach you and your dog to walk calmly and maintain a loose leash, disregarding distractions encountered during your walks.

Loose Leash Walking

Paws N Play offers unique Loose Leash Walking classes for dogs who pull on leash, bark or lunge on leash at other dogs, people, etc. We teach you and your dog to walk calmly and loosely on a leash while ignoring distractions on the walk. This makes walking more enjoyable for both you and your dog!

We offer two levels of Loose Leash Walking opportunities:

Loose Leash Walking Dog Training Class

This 4 week Loose Leash Walking dog training class is perfect for dogs who constantly pull and/or lunge while walking, or get highly excited whenever they see a distraction while walking such as squirrels, other dogs, bikers or joggers. We show you techniques that you can use to support your dog and help him remain calm while walking despite all the exciting things that you may encounter every day!

  • Loose Leash Walking FUNDAMENTALS

  • LEAVE IT to teach your dog to ignore distractions such as other dogs, bikes, squirrels, etc while walking

  • ARCHING to teach your dog good canine communications and greetings

  • BACKAWAYS to teach your dog it is ok to calmly turn the other way

  • Last class is completed in a local park so that we can practice all of the techniques in a real life situation

Walk in the PARK

This is a drop in class where we select a different park each month and then we practice all of the techniques that we learned in the 4 week Loose Leash Walking class above. Each class is an hour long where we focus on

  • Practice walking fundamentals

  • Practice walking as a pack so that dogs become comfortable walking with other dogs and remaining calm

  • Practicing Arching and Leave It when passing on coming dogs, joggers, bicycles, etc

  • Practicing SIT STAY so other dogs, people, bikers can walk by while our dogs remain calm

  • Practicing Backaway so that dogs realize that they can avoid situations that may excite them or make them uncomfortable